Weekly On Sundays

9:30am & 11:30am

Location: 3700 Monte Villa Pkwy, Bothell WA 98021

*Kids only at 9:30am service

Services will run approximately 75 minutes. Masks are optional but highly encouraged when attending.


We will always have online worship on Sunday’s at 9:30AM and 10:30AM.


Some do not feel at ease with public gatherings. Maybe you have health concerns, or apprehensive. If you don't feel ready, online worship will always be available.  Opening the church doors is an opportunity but not an expectation for you to come.  We believe that worship online counts every bit as much as worship together



+ Where Is New Life Fellowship hosting Indoor Service?

Our indoor worship service is on Sunday at the following location:

  • 3700 Monte Villa Pkwy, Bothell, WA 98021

+ Who Is Invited To Attend?

You are! Whether you've never been to church or consider yourself a regular attender, we want to offer indoor service to those desiring to worship in-person. Registration is required and we ask everyone to abide by New Life's safety protocols. Those include:

  • Before attending, please self-check for COVID-19 symptoms (cough, fever, chills, muscle pain, difficulty breathing, sore throat, loss of taste or smell). Please stay home if you are feeling unwell or if you've been in contact with anyone with COVID-19 in the last 14 days.
  • Temperature checks may be made at this event. Anyone registering 100.4 or higher will be asked to leave.
  • We will abide social distancing recommendations, with all individuals and families asked to remain at least six feet apart from others at all times. Seating inside the sanctuary will be arranged to facilitate social distancing.
  • It is required that all attendees bring and wear a mask for all New Life events. Masks must be worn at all times during a service or an event.
  • We won’t be serving any food or drink and we ask that you don’t bring any outside food to New Life Events. (drinks are an exception)

+ What Can I Expect?

Our Indoor Service will include live worship and a powerful message from one of our pastors. While we are thrilled to begin regathering for indoor services, we know this service will look different from what we’re used to. Our guideline for capacity will be in line with what is recommended by the state.

+ Will There Be New Life Kidz For Children?

YES! However, at your discretion, you are welcome to bring your kiddos into the service with you. Enjoy worship together, feel free to bring a coloring book and crayons for the message or headphones and a tablet so your child can enjoy our digital NLKidz programming!

+ Do I Need To Register To Attend?

No. Registration is no longer required.

+ What Time Should I Arrive?

We recommend guests arrive 10-15 minutes prior to each service.

+ What Should I Bring With Me?

  • Everyone needs to bring and wear a mask at all times. If you don't have one, we will provide one for you.l

+ What Are The Safety Protocols?

We are asking all guests to agree to and abide by New Life's Safety Protocols for any service or event. Those include:

  • Before attending any New Life service or an event, please self-check for COVID-19 symptoms (cough, fever, chills, muscle pain, difficulty breathing, sore throat, loss of taste or smell). Please stay home if you are feeling unwell or if you've been in contact with anyone with COVID-19 in the last 14 days.
  • Temperature checks may be made at this event. Anyone registering 100.4 or higher will be asked to leave.
  • It is required that all attendees bring and wear a mask for all New Life events. Masks must be worn at all times during a service or event.

+ Do I Have To Wear A Mask / Face Covering?

Masks are optional but highly encouraged.

+ Are Hand Sanitizer Stations Available?

Yes. Hand sanitizer stations will be provided at every New Life services and events.

+ Are Bathrooms Available?

Yes! We will offer access to our indoor bathrooms during the service and we will also offer hand-sanitizing stations.

+ Will You Still Be Offering Church Online?

Yes! You may attend in-person at a New Life Fellowship Indoor Service, or join us for New Life Church Online. The message is the same whether you attend in-person or online and our Church Online. Just go to: Youtube Channel

+ What happens if a staff member or congregant becomes sick?

  • If someone exhibits symptoms of COVID-19 or any other illness, they will be asked to leave the premise immediately. If for some reason they cannot leave immediately, we will identify a waiting area until they are able to do so.
  • We will following the CDC guidelines for cleaning and HIPPA compliance with regards to communication. We will communicate appropriate information to you ASAP!
  • Staff and congregants will not return to the church until they have tested negatively for COVID-19.

See how we are prioritizing the health and safety of NLF families. Download our PDF below.