We exist to expand the Kingdom of God by supporting and partnering with missionaries and organizations that are near and far.
Every year we will increase our giving by $10,000 from the previous year.
Church Focused - We are committed to the local church in all of its beauty and flaws because we believe the local church is the hope of the world.
Locally Relevant - We believe the Gospel is best shared and made relevant by local individuals. We want to empower people so they can better engage and spread the Gospel in their existing communities.
Sustainable - We desire missionaries and organizations to be equipped and committed for the long haul.

We want to be a blessing to the communities in the greater Seattle area.
We will care for the poor, the vulnerable, and unreached by living out the Gospel in loving and serving our neighbors.
Peter & Heajoung Yang
Peter & Heajoung are missionaries who lead the YWAM Monroe base. They equip and train missionaries through Discipleship Training School and other Bible Schools. They have a special vision to build a Christian community in DPRK, but their goal currently is to foster a missionary community in the Pacific Northwest that will bless their neighbors.
Jessica & Bo Bisselle
Jessica & Bo served as missionaries in Japan for many years but now God has called them to mobilize and support other missionaries through Pioneers, a church-planting organization working with unreached people groups. They work with partnership development (ie, support raising) and their goal is to support and encourage missionaries preparing to go to the field to spread the Gospel to unreached people.
Union Gospel Mission
Seattle's Union Gospel Mission is a Christian nonprofit ministry that was established in 1932 as a “soup kitchen” providing meals for the needy. Today, they provide shelters, medical & rehabilitation support, education & mentorships, and serve over 2000 meals a day to our homeless neighbors throughout the greater Seattle area. UGM’s goal is to break the cycle of homelessness and restore dignity, purpose, and hope to every individual and help them live a new life in Christ.

We want to see churches empowered, supported, and planted overseas.
L Family
The L Family are missionaries in the Middle East working to share the Gospel with the Muslim community. Since 2010, they have been leading and equipping teams and first-term missionaries who are working in the field in the ME. Their goal is to support missionaries on the mission field so they can avoid burnout and remain faithful to their calling until the end.
J & K are committed to seeing all SKT reached. They have a passion to share the Gospel and reach those who have never heard about Jesus. Due to extreme government restrictions, they need to keep a low profile and work in a business providing recreational services and teaching English to locals.
Sarah & Owen Liu
Sarah is from Seattle and Owen is from Taiwan. They live and serve in Taipei, Taiwan as missionaries for YWAM. Their vision is to know God make and Him known through discipleship and teaching the Bible. They use a free drink cafe ministry as a platform to build relationships with locals and teach English class, for the hope of sharing the Gospel with people they meet. Due to the pandemic, the Taipei DTS school is currently not in session, so Sarah & Owen have been working on short term outreaches to various regions in Taiwan, partnering with local churches to serve their needs, and seeking opportunities to pray and evangelize organically wherever the Lord leads. Read more here.
Contact us.
Eric Noh
Lead Pastor | Teaching & Vision Casting | Missions