UGM Catalyst 2021

Celebrate what God is doing through Seattle’s Union Gospel Mission to honor our homeless neighbors.

Be a Catalyst for Your Neighbors.

This year, as our city, state, nation, and world continue to recover from the global pandemic, we cannot forget our many brothers and sisters in the greater Seattle area struggling with homelessness, mental illness, and addiction.

The road to recovery for our homeless neighbors is often a long and painful one, but it is also filled with love, beauty, and grace. We consider it an honor to walk alongside our homeless neighbors and to share the hope and love that only God can give.

We will celebrate God’s goodness and how radically He can change a life – from addicted, abused, and barely surviving on the streets, to loved, healed, and thriving in life.


Honorary Chair, Chris and Alice Canlis, and Catalyst Committee Chair, Laura Decker, presents Catalyst 2021. This is an Oscar-style live, hybrid event on October 7th where we will host an intimate 20-person, socially-distanced gathering apart from the Live Auction event!


In Person @ New Life

Limited event. Register quickly for your spot!

Where: Room 101 (Kid’s Ministry)

When: October 7, 6:30-9:00 PM

Cost: $50 for food

Description: Come fellowship with a UGM program graduate and staff member to learn about powerful testimonies and ask your questions about what God is doing through UGM and its mission to restore our homeless brothers and sisters. Spots for twenty adults available for our dinner gathering, where we will socially distance and wear masks whenever we are not eating regardless of vaccination status. We will tune into the live event together at 7:30 PM. El Gaucho hors d'oeuvres will be served.

Child Care: None will be provided at this event, so please make prior arrangements.

Attire: Business Casual preferred

Menu Items: Gaucho Pasta Salad, Brie and Goat Cheese Stuffed Mushroom, Choripan Sandwiches, Chipotle Chicken Skewers, Mini Crab Cakes, Grilled Veggie Skewers, Bite Size Dessert Assortment

Virtual Experience (Live Event)

Where: Your home, streaming details will come soon!

When: October 7, 7:30 PM

Description: Learn about UGM’s vision, hear powerful testimonies of God’s transforming power for guests at The Mission, and check out live auction results to support this fundraising event.

Auction Details: Auction will open from Sunday, October 3rd, and close on Thursday, October 7th at 9 pm.