01.01.2023 | Intro to the Greatest Sermon Series | Matthew 5:1-2; 7:24-28 | Week One | Pastor Eric
01.08.2023 | The Beatitudes | Matthew 5:3-12 | Week Two | Pastor Eric
01.15.2023 | Absurd Christians | Matthew 5:13-20 | Week 3 | Pastor Eric Noh
01.22.2023 | Reconciling Brothers&Sisters in Christ | Matthew 5:21-26 | Week 4 | Pastor Derek Hwang
01.29.2023 | The Lustful Heart | Matthew 5:27-30 | Week 5 | Pastor Eric Noh
02.05.2023 | People of the Truth | Matthew 5:33-37 | Week 6 | Pastor Clara Kim
02.12.2023 | Divorce and Marriage | Matthew 5:31-32 | Week 7 | Pastor Eric Noh
02.19.2023 | Retaliation | Matthew 5:38-48 | Week 8 | Pastor Eric Noh