November 7 - November 30

Seize the opportunity to create impact during this Thanksgiving to love on our neighbors.

Bless Your Neighbors on the Streets

God’s love is consistent 24/7, 365 days of the year. UGM demonstrates its commitment to our neighbors every single day, 3x a day through Search and Rescue. Now you can create bags of essentials that UGM volunteers hand out on the streets. Whether it’s with your family, friends, or community group, you can pledge to create and donate blessing bags. Our goal is to offer 300 blessing bags, which is the equivalent of 1 day of Search and Rescue.

Blessing Bag Contents:

  • Small, travel sized items

  • Hygiene products

  • Shampoo and Conditioner

  • Bar of soap

  • Razors

  • Toothbrush and Toothpaste

  • Pair of socks

  • Gloves

  • Beanies

  • Handwarmers

Honor Women in Recovery

Each woman in Hope Place has a beautiful testimony to share about God’s grace in the midst of their trials. Women can come from an upbringing of domestic violence, drug and alcohol abuse, or other struggles. Hope Place is seen as a sanctuary for these women, where they can take a range of classes and Bible studies. They can also intern at the facility to acquire job skills necessary after graduating from program. While the cost of supporting a single mother of 1 kid going through program is nearly ~$20K, we are committed to raising $10K as a Church to financially support them this Thanksgiving.