Relationship Status

We were made for relationships! There are so many myths floating around about what it means to have successful relationships. God in his infinite wisdom gave us His word that guides us on how to have successful relationships. He is our creator, thus he knows us best. In this sermon series we will be tackling our relationship to church, our friends, ourselves, our dating partners and finally our spouses. Our goal in this sermon series is to debunk these myths and give you the biblical tools necessary to God glorifying, joy saturated relationships! Join us as we journey through this six-part series!

05.23.2021 | Relationship Status | Week One | Committed to Church

05.30.2021 | Relationship Status | Week Two | Loyal Friend

06.06.2021 | Relationship Status | Week Three | Joyfully Single

2021.06.20 | Relationship Status | Week Five | Miserably Married

06.13.2021 | Relationship Status | Week Four | Purposefully Dating

06.27.2021 | Relationship Status | Week Six | Lovingly Married