NL Sermon 10.9.2022
Scripture: Nehemiah 2:1-8;
Title: We Need Everyone
2 In the month of Nisan, in the twentieth year of King Artaxerxes, when wine was before him, I took up the wine and gave it to the king. Now I had not been sad in his presence. 2 And the king said to me, “Why is your face sad, seeing you are not sick? This is nothing but sadness of the heart.” Then I was very much afraid. 3 I said to the king, “Let the king live forever! Why should not my face be sad, when the city, the place of my fathers’ graves, lies in ruins, and its gates have been destroyed by fire?” 4 Then the king said to me, “What are you requesting?” So I prayed to the God of heaven. 5 And I said to the king, “If it pleases the king, and if your servant has found favor in your sight, that you send me to Judah, to the city of my fathers’ graves, that I may rebuild it.” 6 And the king said to me (the queen sitting beside him), “How long will you be gone, and when will you return?” So it pleased the king to send me when I had given him a time. 7 And I said to the king, “If it pleases the king, let letters be given me to the governors of the province Beyond the River, that they may let me pass through until I come to Judah, 8 and a letter to Asaph, the keeper of the king’s forest, that he may give me timber to make beams for the gates of the fortress of the temple, and for the wall of the city, and for the house that I shall occupy.” And the king granted me what I asked, for the good hand of my God was upon me.
Well hey good morning new life fellowship!
I told you from the beginning that we’ll be building off each sermon as we move along, so please stick with us for the next month or so as we travel through this sermon series through the book of Nehemiah which is also a vision series. But also, if you’ve missed any of the two previous sermons, please go back and take a listen.
Week 1 – we talked about how Nehemiah is a failed attempt at revival. If I could put it just slightly different, Nehemiah and the people of Israel sort of built up God’s kingdom, but also at the same time, failed to bring about true reform and revival in Israel. And so, there are some things in Nehemiah that are really good for us to learn. But there are also things in the book of Nehemiah that we need to learn from and not repeat the same mistakes.
Week 2 – We talked about how to catch a vision for your life. We said that God will break your heart for something. God’s voice doesn’t come as a miraculous powerful voice, but it comes in the quiet whisper of your heart being burdened for some injustice or brokenness in the world.
And today I want now try and put those two weeks together to talk to you about our mission and vision. New Life Fellowship’s mission and vision.
The reason why we exist, the reason why we believe God created, formed and sustains New Life Fellowship, is not to just exist as a country club where you go to spend some time. Although we do hope you enjoy spending time with the community of NLF. We aren’t even here primarily to give you friends, although you will most likely make friends if you commit yourself to being on mission with our church. New Life Fellowship does not exist to even make your life better, and I know that sounds scandalous, although we do hope that your life does improve as you attend this church.
But NLF is more like an army, we were created and are here for a mission. And in the army if they send you on a mission, I’m sure of course they want you to be healthy. I’m sure friendships develop as you go on this mission. (I guess I can’t really speak to military life as I’ve never been). I’m sure they even care about your mental well being and etc. on the mission. BUT, the most important thing, the priority above all priorities and the reason why they probably want you to be physically healthy, build camaraderie and be mentally healthy is simple, they want you to complete the mission they’ve give you. And the same is true of NLF, we are given a vision and a mission to accomplish for Jesus Christ and that is priority. And everything else we do here, helps us to accomplish this mission. And that mission is simple, We are a Christ-Centered Community that expands the kingdom of God by making disciples.
We are here to expand God’s kingdom by making disciples and what’s going to be non-negotiables in pursuing this mission is that we are Christ-Centered and we do it not solo but together.
So let’s start with the last part of our mission statement and work backwards. (1) What is God’s Kingdom?
Its simple. It’s the rule and reign of God.
In other words, everyone has a kingdom. You have a realm whether big or small where you rule and reign. In other words, a sphere where your will is done.
And God’s kingdom is the same way. It’s where his will reigns. God’s will for humanity is for it to have life and life abundant. God’s will is to redeem humanity. God’s will is to restore the broken. And to heal the sick. His will is to reconcile those who are lost back to him.
Look, let me try and make God’s Kingdom simpler.
If God is King above all Kings, what does he deserve?
Worship & Obedience
And so what does it mean to expand God’s Kingdom?
When more people come to worship and obey our King.
Because it’s through our worship and obedience to this king that his will, will be made effective in our world.
Make sense?
It’s through our worship and obedience that we can usher in the kingdom of God
Illustration: I need this to be uber clear so here’s an example. Dan Cathay is the president of chick fil a. that’s his kingdom if you would. Chik fil a is his kingdom. And Dan Cathay has a will. And his will is that every chick fil a store close on Sundays to observe the sabbath. That’s his will. And ultimately that’s his will bc his will is that his people are rested and work from a place of rest. And so all chick-fil a stores around the country close on Sundays. His will is that they serve the best fried chicken on planet earth and not hamburgers. But if a store owner decides to disobey Dan Cathy. And decides to open on Sundays. Decides to sell burgers instead of chicken, then that store effectively goes outside the will of Dan Cathy and ultimately we can argue that is that really chick fil a at that point?
God’s will is that the broken find healing. And its when the people of God obey God’s command that the broken will begin to find healing, as we pray, listen to, minister to those who are broken and in need of healing. And his will is done on earth
God’s will is that people would worship him and not the idols of this world. And when we worship him and we get others to worship him, we are doing the will of God, here on earth.
Let me put it like this, Do you want heaven now?
You don’t have to wait.
You can heaven here on earth.
Heaven is simply the will of God being done.
And heaven comes through obedience.
This is the kingdom of God
The way Jesus puts it in Matthew 28:18 “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.”
All Authority – Jesus is King. All authority.
And he says in light of my authority go make more people who accept this authority
Baptizing them. In other words, have them enter this kingdom. And yet entrance into this kingdom isn’t through doing a bunch of good works, but it’s resting on the work of Christ Jesus.
And then he says teach others to do what? To obey this king. He says to observe all that I have commanded.
It is the rule and reign of Christ here on earth. And entrance into this kingdom is free of charge.
But entrance means that you agree Jesus Christ is Lord and you will do whatever he says.
When Jesus Christ was here, he did only what the Father told him to do.
And similarly those who live in this kingdom only do what the father tells them to do.
We do all that he has commanded us
And here’s the good news. The Father is not done speaking.
Did you know that Jesus Christ is no longer dead?
Did you know dead people don’t speak, but people who are alive, they speak.
And did you know that Jesus is alive and well and he’s working to redeem all of creation?
And did you know that we get to participate in this redeeming, renewing work?
Illustration: This past week I carved a pumpkin with my oldest boy Josiah. And guess who had to do all the work? Me. He can’t cut a pumpkin. Or I guess I could have let him do it but he would have probably hurt himself really badly. And child protective services would have come and taken him from me. So I did the work. But he really wanted to participate. And I wanted to involve him. So once I was done carving it open. I told him why don’t you put on some gloves and help Appa pull out the pumpkin guts. And so he did. But even that he couldn’t do a good job, so I did the rest of it. I was doing the work, he got to participate
God is doing work. He’s actively redeeming all of creation and he invites us, just like I invited my son, to participate in the work.
Do you know what’s funny? After we were done, my son was telling other kids in the neighborhood, look at the pumpkin I carved. As if he had done all the work.
In other words, God is already building his kingdom. He don’t need our help. He will accomplish it with or without us. But he chooses to allow us to participate where he is working.
So our mission is to expand God’s rule and reign on earth. And we get to partner and participate in the work God has already started doing.
So now lets go to (2) Christ-Centered
In order for us to participate in this kingdom expansion work we have to be connected to Christ. Christ needs to be the center of our lives.
Think about it like this
Jesus is (1) Lord and (2) Savior
Savior – he washes us clean of our sins. He forgives us. Cleanses us. Gives us a righteousness and an identity as children of God.
He ministers to us. Listens to us. He is the good shepherd.
Lord – simultaneously he is Lord. I’m not the senior pastor of this church. Jesus Christ is. He gives you marching orders.
Look I can challenge you all the livelong day. I can guilt you. Manipulate you. Persuade you. Use every tactic under the rhetorical sun to try and get you to expand God’s kingdom. Or I can introduce you to Jesus and let him do the ordering and commanding.
Illustration: Samaritan woman John 4. She says “Come and see” After experiencing Christ. She starts a revival in that Samaritan region after just simply saying come and see.
Only Christ could convict her. Only Christ could challenge her. Only Christ could get her to share her faith and start a revival.
Illustration: It’s like a song. I can break down a song. And tell you why you should listen to it. I can challenge you and encourage you. And do all these things, but you have to listen to the song. And once you hear the song, you’ll want to listen to it more. And share that song with others.
There’s one thing for me to tell you be generous. But then when Jesus tells you, Hey why don’t you empty your wallet and give that person over there all the cash that’s in your wallet.
There’s one thing for me to tell you to forgive the person who you hate, but when you are sitting in prayer and you sense Christ commanding you and burdening you to leave your offering on the table and to go now and reconcile with him. And you can’t sleep until you do so.
Do you see?
Our strategy at this church is not to command you to do things. But our strategy is to introduce you to Jesus Christ every week. For you worship him, gaze at him, get into relationship with him and let him speak to you.
But how does Christ speak?
Scripture. Prayer. Silence and Solitude. Sabbath-ing. Fasting. Through Community.
Listen to last weeks message
He burdens you. Breaks your heart. He gives you tensions that you can’t let go. So much so that it feels like it’s disobedience to not listen and obey.
But know this Christ is alive and he is still speaking to his people. He hasn’t stopped speaking and leading and shepherding his people. Slow down, open up your prayers and your ears to hear from him.
And finally we understand that all of this Christ-Centered business and this Expanding God’s business is not to be done alone. (3) Community
And so now practically. Rubber meets the road, how does this vision and mission play itself out in the day to day operations of the church?
Remember last week, I quoted Psalm 90 ““So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom.”
And if you remember what I said, wisdom is understanding that you only have a limited amount of resource and time.
You are not infinite. From dust you came and to dust you shall return. We are to be like God, but we are not God. We are not infinite and immortal. So we have to be precise about what God is calling us to.
And so this is why at NLF we keep things simple. We don’t try to over-reach. Overextend.
We understand that wisdom says, we can only do a few things and do them well because we only have a finite amount of time.
There are literally an infinite number of great ministries we could do.
Addiction ministry (and there could be a ministry for each addiction, Narcotics, alcohol, pornography, workaholic, gambling, and etc). Men’s ministry. Women’s ministry (and women’s ministry could have more ministries under it like new moms ministry, teen mom ministry, women who are struggling with pregnancy, empty nester moms, young and single). Young adult ministry. Adult ministry. Young family ministry. Elderly ministry. Marriage ministry. Sports Ministry (And under sports ministry we could have every ministry under the sun. Like biking, running, volleyball, basketball. And etc. We could host Retreats twice a year, winter and summer retreats to get people spiritual high experiences. Events. Bible studies. Book studies
And the list can go on and on and on. And here’s the thing, every single ministry I just noted, awesome. Awesome ministry can be done.
And I would say at least 50% of the ministries I listed here, have been presented to me over the last 3.5 years I’ve been here. And Imagine if NLF had taken it upon themselves to do all of them?
I’ll tell you what will happen – people will fight for volunteers. People will fight for room reservations. Our church would begin fighting for resources. This is what happens at church’s that over-program. Because usually the same people will go out to several of the ministries. And people will get tired and burned out. The staff will be over-stretched.
And guess what would happen? The most important ministry of Expanding God’s kingdom would get lost.
And this happens all the time. I’m telling you. Go visit a church that is dying. Typically have 15 -20 ministries. They have like all the ministries I just mentioned. Their volunteers are burned out. They don’t have a rich and vibrant relationship with Jesus because they are so focused on the guitar ministry. And they are insider focused instead of being missional, because all they can think about is appeasing Johnny boy and Susy gal because they complain that there aren’t enough people attending bible study and so they strategize ways they can get more people to come out to the bible study versus how can we reach more people for Jesus. And instead of the funds and resources going to cutting edge ways of reaching people, they go towards the people who are already in the church.
And look,
And so what we try and do here is, is just do the things God has called us to.
And we believe that this is actually humble.
People who are prideful think they can do everything
But people who trust in Jesus
People who rely humbly on Jesus say
Ok, I don’t have to do everything. And if everyone is not happy, that’s okay, because we aren’t here to make everyone happy. We are here to expand God’s kingdom by making disciples
And so I still haven’t answered the question, what do we feel called to do then. How do we operationalize this vision?
Christ-Centered = Sunday worship
Here we spend a lot of time honing our worship
I spend a lot of time on these messages. To give you hopefully what I hope are good messages. Why because instead of fighting for people to come to another meeting on another day where I can train and raise up leaders, I can do it right here and right now. It’s apart of the rhythm of our church. And so I utilize this time to train and equip you so that you can do the work of ministry
I spend most of Monday and Wednesday prepping for this
It’s here on Sundays that we want to lead people to Christ. Help people to worship Christ. And most importantly, be fed by Christ and obey Christ. So that’s what I hope to do. Are to make these sermons practical so that you can go home and feed yourself with a robust relationship with Christ.
But this is also why I need you to come to Sundays.
Look people want me to start all these ministries, when I can barely get our church people to just show up on Sundays. I need people here so I can disciple you into a deeper relationship with Christ. So I can equip you so you can have a vibrant relationship with Christ.
Community = Community Groups
We put a ton of effort into our CG’s and making our CGs a place where people can be vulnerable and transparent.
And in our CG’s we like to make it simple. And this is why we don’t do straight bible studies or read books in our CG. We discuss the sermon again. Why? Because if you give people a bible study than we have to train the leader on the bible study. Or if we give a book, than people have to read the book, and most people are so busy they barely make it out for Sunday worship let alone will they read another book and listen to the sermon. So we think chewing on the sermon, will not only help people to go back and listen to the sermon if they missed it. But also the thing most people have already been exposed to. In addition, our belief is that no one applies the sermon. And if you applied even 10% of every sermon, we think God can do some powerful things in your life. Or even 100% of one sermon, man God can show up in powerful ways.
Expanding God’s Kingdom = Missions
We focus a lot of our efforts on being missional.
And more recently we’ve begun to turn our attention to church planting in North America and Abroad. In addition, right here in our backyards we’ve turned our attention towards homelessness.
We aren’t quite there yet, but we wanted to feel called towards something and church planting is ultimately where our church feels called to abroad and in North America.
Let me say one other thing about this expanding God’s Kingdom business. Worship and CG’s are the huddle. We try to huddle you together. Give you the play. Equip you. Give you what you need. And then we break and then we go out and execute In the world expanding God’s kingdom.
And the way that is primarily done is through your obedience to Christ.
And look when I say being missional I think there’s this misconception that to be missional means to evangelize. And that is certainly some of the case sometimes
But the way I see this happening is more like this:
Illustration: When I went to South Korea they drink like this. Pour with two hands. If you’re younger turn your face away and drink. Hold with two hands to receive.
I don’t know where that came from. Maybe they didn’t want to look at that face people make when they drink. But whatever the case is, its different. And South Koreans will tell you about how age matters and that age means respect.
And similarly, we should live so much like Jesus that our lives beg people to ask us. “You’re not from here are you?” It’s like you’re a citizen of a different kingdom.” You’re not working for yourself. You don’t hoard. You heal the people around you. You don’t harm or use aggression or violence. You’re patient. Forgiving. Kind. Loving. Sharing.
And this is our vision.
And if you decide to be apart of our church. If you call this church your home church. Meaning you’re saying these people are my people. Where you go I go. You are my Christian family than what I’m telling you is that you will go on this mission.
You will be apart of this mission. You are called to be a Christ-Centered Community that expands the kingdom of God by making disciples.
Now that’s our vision. But now let me say this.
The Greatest enemy to our mission vision is not sin and temptation. The Greatest enemy in this modern day context Christian is comfort.
Let’s take a look at Nehemiah
He’s living a very comfortable life as I mentioned
But he’s taken a hold of by this vision God gives him. And look at what he does
He risks his life. He sits on this vision. In fact Nehemiah starts planning and preparing. And we know this because Nehemiah asks for very strategic things. He knows exactly what he needs in order to accomplish this mission God had given him. And remember last week we said the vision God gives us will mature and mature it did in nehemiah
“If it pleases the king, let letters be given me to the governors of the province Beyond the River, that they may let me pass through until I come to Judah, 8 and a letter to Asaph, the keeper of the king’s forest, that he may give me timber to make beams for the gates of the fortress of the temple, and for the wall of the city, and for the house that I shall occupy.” (Neh 2:7-8)
And yet this mission and vision God had given to him takes such a hold of him that he can’t hold it in any longer. And he’s despondent.
He plans
He risks
He moves
He surveys
He’s patient
Do you know would have killed Nehemiah’s mission?
I won’t say anything to the king. I think God will understand. He’ll kill me. No one wants me dead. I can do more alive than dead. So I’ll just keep my mouth shut and just see if I can do anything from here
I won’t say anything to the king. It's too far. And I have all my stuff here.
I won’t plan and prepare. I’ll just wing it.
Comfort kills mission.
“You can make him do nothing at all for long periods. You can keep him up late at night, not roistering, but staring at a dead fire in a cold room. All the healthy and outgoing activities which we want him to avoid can be inhibited and nothing given in return, so that at last he may say, as one of my own patients said on his arrival down here, “I now see that I spent most of my life in doing neither what I ought nor what I liked”. The Christians describe the Enemy as one “without whom Nothing is strong”. And Nothing is very strong: strong enough to steal away a man’s best years not in sweet sins but in a dreary flickering of the mind over it knows not what and knows not why, in the gratification of curiosities so feeble that the man is only half aware of them, in drumming of fingers and kicking of heels, in whistling tunes that he does not like, or in the long, dim labyrinth of reveries that have not even lust or ambition to give them a relish, but which, once chance association has started them, the creature is too weak and fuddled to shake off….Indeed the safest road to Hell is the gradual one—the gentle slope, soft underfoot, without sudden turnings, without milestones, without signposts,” C.S. Lewis Screwtape letters
Illustration: My older brother is a neurosurgeon. Yes, I know, he got the smarts. The money. The looks. God gave me a strong faith. He gave my brother everything else. If you don’t know neurosurgeon’s work on the spine. And the reason he went into neurosurgery was because when he was younger he had something called scoliosis. He got major corrective surgery. Was bed ridden for weeks and I think even months. But I remember coming to the hospital after he had the surgery and the nurse would turn my brother every couple of hours. To his left. To his right. And after surgery you can’t walk. In fact you have to rest. And rest. And rest. And rest. And they make you real comfortable. But do you know what’s interesting. People get tired of comfort. In other words the human body was not designed to be still and to lie down in one position for so many hours. In other words, the human was only meant to endure comfort for so many hours. It’s not meant to be a lifestyle. In other words, there is comfort fatigue. And we all know if you lie still for too long. You can develop sores. Your bones and your muscles can atrophy. You can develop all sorts of things. And your body can wither away and even die if you are so lazy that you don’t even get up to get food.
1883 The Missionary’s Adventure – Jean Georges Vibert
“Vibert is best known for his satirical scenes from ecclesiastical life. Here he draws a contrast between the inspired and modest missionary and the prelates (bishops or other high ecclesiastical dignatary) in the midst of their comforts. The cardinals lounging on the sofa and purple-robed bishop savoring his tea are indifferent to the monk's account of his mission and to the wound he received carrying it out. Ribera's terrifying Martyrdom of Saint Bartholomew (Museo del Prado, Madrid), on the wall in this luxurious interior, adds a harsh note of irony to the scene below it.” (
Irony, that while they bask in their comforts, they have a picture over one of the Apostles being martyred for being on mission for Jesus.
It’s like comfortable Christian doesn’t exist in the vocabulary of scripture. It just doesn’t make any logical sense.
It’s like saying a computer that feels emotions
It’s like saying a slow ProBowl NFL Wide Receiver
It’s like saying the most beautiful trendy clothing comes out of Target. I’m just saying, I wear target and old navy. That’s all I wear. And yes I think the clothes are nice, but no one would ever say it’s the most beautiful and trendy clothing.
Comfortable Christian just doesn’t exist.
And yet this is a painting is of the American Church
Church growth all the folks talk about it. In order to grow your church in essence you have to make your church comfortable.
You gotta shorten your service times
You gotta make room so that people don’t feel crowded
You gotta have good lights
Good online stream
You gotta have this and that.
And don’t get me wrong, I’m not opposed to making the Gospel of Jesus Christ more accessible to Christians and non-Christians, and taking away barriers to them worshipping. I mean we don’t want to put a bed of nails at the entrance way and ask people to walk on nails in order to get to a worship service. So yes, maybe remove that barrier, so that people aren’t averse to worshipping God.
But the fact that is, it feels like I am trying to get people into a building. Then sending them out into a hostile world to share the love of Christ.
Do you know how powerful comfort is?
Illustration: I’ll have to pee. I’ll be thirsty. I’ll be hungry. And yet because I so snuggled up on the couch. Under my warm blanket. In my PJs. I won’t want to get up to use the bathroom. Grab a glass of water and nourish my body. Because of comfort. It prevents you from moving.
Comfort prevents us from multiplying our CG’s in order to make room for more Believers and non-believers. Because we are so comfortable with the relationships that we’ve built
Comfort prevents us from sharing the love of Christ
Comfort prevents us from sharing the Gospel
Comfort prevents us from being generous
Comfort prevents us from befriending someone who may be a little awkward, but still needs friends
Comfort prevents us from encouraging someone today because we’re afraid they might laugh at us for trying to encourage them
Comfort prevents us from repairing a broken relationship.
BUT did you know, did you know that Christianity is not just about having internal peace. It’s not just about having joy in your heart. But did you know Christianity is exciting.
Illustration: Some people when they don’t have enough excitement in their lives they move towards gambling’s. Whether sports, casino, even stocks and crypto can be a form of gambling. But what is it? The reason why Gambling is addicting is because it’s exciting. And why is it exciting? It’s because you risk. Because there is reward.
Did you know you don’t need to gamble to have excitement?
Just be on mission for Christ.
Illustration: One of the things, I’ve been doing more of lately and isn’t a whole lot, but just a little more, is praying for folks right there on the spot. So sometimes, I’m talking to someone and I just feel like God is asking me to pray for them on the spot. So I do. And sometimes, in fact most times nothing. They just say thank you very much and that’s it. But sometimes, there is a payoff. A reward if you would. And sometimes, very rarely, people are in tears. And the prayer and encouragement is something they needed that day. And it’s exciting.
It’s exciting not knowing what God will do with my obedience
Is there any comfort here in Nehemiah?
Is there excitement? Risk Taking? Is there pay off? Reward?
Does he have to move out of his comforts to see God working?
Do you see that?
Do you ever hear those people who just have story after story of how God is working and moving? They are like “Yea like I went on mission. And we were down to our last penny. And then God showed up and some couple gave us exactly down to the penny the amount we were looking for” Or you hear about stories of how someone evangelized their friend to Christ. And you’re like “how come that doesn’t happen to me?”
And meanwhile you sit there, And you’re like God isn’t doing anything in my life?
Do you know why you don’t experience God?
Because you don’t rely on his power and provision
And the reason why you don’t rely on his power and provision is because you’re not on mission
You’re not on mission so you never see God moving because you never need God.
You’re spiritually lying down in your bed. In your comfortable spiritual bed. Not sacrificing. Not risking. Not having faith. So that’s why you don’t see anything.
But go on mission. Risk. Move out of your comforts and watch God work.
This is why your Christian faith is watery. Lukewarm. Stagnant. Because you’re trying to get all the excitement out of Christianity without the risk, sacrifice, the adventure the journey that God has for you.
Jesus Christ didn’t die to make you comfortable
Jesus Christ died so that you would have the spiritual love to laydown your life for others.
Jesus Christ on the cross died for you and for me. He was pierced. His body was broken so that he could wash us clean. Inaugurate his kingdom
And when he rose again and ascended to heaven he gave us this guy named the Holy Spirit
Who empowers us with the truth and sends us all on mission.